Encore une semaine chargée mais que voulez-vous, on ne me refera pas!
Première fournée: les ebooks (encore une fois gratuits ou à moins d'1€ quand je les ai obtenus):

Jude Magdalyn Henries lives what many would call an unconventional life.
Orphaned at birth, raised by nuns, a teenage runaway living on the streets… she now earns a living at odd jobs, including one as a fake tarot card reader. Very little about Jude’s life appears normal, by any scale. When she accepts a gig to do a private reading, unconventional takes on an entirely new meaning.
Life as she knows it ends when she’s thrust into a world she never knew existed—one filled with magic, vampires, and her beloved New Orleans on the verge of an underground war. To make matters worse, she's got two men in her life vying for attention, Williams and Theo. Both call to a different part of her, but one scares her just a little bit. Can she step up to the challenges set before her and make the right choices for the greater, which may or not be the greater good?
Orphaned at birth, raised by nuns, a teenage runaway living on the streets… she now earns a living at odd jobs, including one as a fake tarot card reader. Very little about Jude’s life appears normal, by any scale. When she accepts a gig to do a private reading, unconventional takes on an entirely new meaning.
Life as she knows it ends when she’s thrust into a world she never knew existed—one filled with magic, vampires, and her beloved New Orleans on the verge of an underground war. To make matters worse, she's got two men in her life vying for attention, Williams and Theo. Both call to a different part of her, but one scares her just a little bit. Can she step up to the challenges set before her and make the right choices for the greater, which may or not be the greater good?
Shades of Desire, Jude Magdalyn #2, L.M. Pruitt
All I wanted was a little peace and quiet.
I've got dead Covenant members and a steady stream of letters from the
new guy in town. His beverage of choice? A 2002 Merlot, with a shot or
two of powerful virgin blood.
On top of that, I'm breaking in a
new police liaison, failing at playing matchmaker, and fighting nausea
like it's a full time job.
Did I forget to mention that I've also got enough girls living at the Crossroads to start my own boarding school?
Peace and quiet? Out the window.
If it's not one thing, it's another.
Felipe, one of New Orleans's most infamous--and crazy--vampires is back in town. And to say he's unhappy is an understatement.
and Williams have to track down Felipe, fast, before he claims any more
victims. If that means making a deal with the Devil--otherwise known as
St. Germaine--and using an untrained dhampir, so be it.
If that wasn't enough, I've also got rebellious teenagers, feuding couples, and a suddenly full social calendar.
The more things change...
New Moon Rising, Moon Rising #1, L. M. Pruitt
Nothing ever happens in
Selene, Georgia. The biggest events in the past ten years have been a
wedding, a funeral and a bar fight. It's slow, sleepy, a little
narrow-minded--but for Cari Gravier, it's home.
Now things are starting to happen that nobody's seen before. Strange things in the woods, dead animals--and dead people. Cari's about to discover a whole new side to Selene. And a past that may come back to bite her....
Now things are starting to happen that nobody's seen before. Strange things in the woods, dead animals--and dead people. Cari's about to discover a whole new side to Selene. And a past that may come back to bite her....
Ree Reyes’ life was easier when she just had to worry about scraping together tips from her gig as a barista-and-comicshop slave wage in the port city of Pearson to pursue her ambitions as a screenwriter.
When a scruffy-looking guy storms into the shop looking for a comic like his life depends on it, Ree writes it off as just another day in the land of the geeks. Until a gigantic ‘BOOM!’ echoes from the alley a minute later, and Ree follows the rabbit hole into Pearson’s magical flip-side. Here, astral cowboy hackers fight trolls, rubber-suited werewolves and Elegant Gothic Lolita fate witches by channeling genre tropes and wielding nostalgia-powered props.
Ree joins Eastwood (aka scruffy guy), investigating a mysterious string of teen suicides as she tries to avoid imploding after her own drag-your-heart-through-jagged-glass breakup. But as she digs deeper, Ree discovers Eastwood may not be the knight-in-cardboard-armor she thought. Will Ree be able to stop the suicides, save Eastwood from himself, and somehow keep her job?
Hot Secrets, Tall, Dark and Deadly #1, Lisa Renee Jones
The Walker Brothers…
Tall, dark, and deadly, these three brothers run Walker security. Each brother is unique in his methods and skills, but all share key similarities. They are passionate about those they love, relentless when fighting for a cause they believe in, and all believe that no case is too hard, no danger too dark. Dedication is what they deliver, results are their reward.
Tall, dark, and deadly, these three brothers run Walker security. Each brother is unique in his methods and skills, but all share key similarities. They are passionate about those they love, relentless when fighting for a cause they believe in, and all believe that no case is too hard, no danger too dark. Dedication is what they deliver, results are their reward.
Royce Walker, a former FBI Agent, who’s opened a private security firm with his brothers, has always had the hots for the prim, proper Assistant District Attorney, but considered her hand’s off because of a family connection. However, when danger threatens Lauren, he isn’t willing to stand by and watch her get hurt. Now the passion for survival is only rivaled by the passion burning between them. And that passion, might just be the death of them both.
Celui-ci, uniquement à cause de LesLecturesdeSab qui nous pousse à la consommation avec des ebooks gratuits! lol
Et en version papier:
a risqué son âme pour devenir l’amant de Georgina Kincaid. Mais avec un
patron comme Lucifer, Georgina ne peut pas simplement raccrocher ses
talons hauts… Elle se retrouve même obligée d’accepter une mutation à
Las Vegas. Elle a beau être l’un des meilleurs éléments
de l’Enfer, s’il existe pour elle une chance de se sortir de sa
condition de succube, elle a bien l’intention de la saisir. Elle espère
simplement ne pas y perdre l’homme pour qui elle est prête
à tout sacrifier.
Avec la multiplication des manifestations contre les vampires et la ville
qui menace d’adopter une loi sur le fichage des surnaturels, les temps n’ont
jamais été aussi durs pour les créatures à crocs. Mais lorsqu’un sort fait virer
au noir absolu le lac Michigan, la situation risque de dégénérer totalement.
Merit doit mener l’enquête pour découvrir l’identité du responsable et l’arrêter
avant qu’il ne soit trop tard, pour les vampires comme pour les
Charley Davidson est détective privée et faucheuse. Son boulot consiste à
convaincre les morts « d’aller vers la lumière ». Mais ce n’est pas toujours si
simple : parfois Charley doit les aider à accomplir quelque chose avant qu’ils
acceptent de s’en aller, comme retrouver l’assassin de ces trois avocats. Ce qui
ne serait pas un problème si Charley ne passait pas son temps à faire des rêves
érotiques provoqués par une entité qui la suit depuis toujours… Or, il se
pourrait que l’homme de ses rêves ne soit pas mort. Il pourrait même être tout à
fait autre chose…
Cursed, Alex Verus #2, Benedict Jacka
Since his second sight made him infamous for defeating powerful dark mages, Alex has been keeping his head down. But now he's discovered the resurgence of a forbidden ritual. Someone is harvesting the life-force of magical creatures—destroying them in the process. And draining humans is next on the agenda. Hired to investigate, Alex realizes that not everyone on the Council wants him delving any deeper. Struggling to distinguish ally from enemy, he finds himself the target of those who would risk their own sanity for power...
Since his second sight made him infamous for defeating powerful dark mages, Alex has been keeping his head down. But now he's discovered the resurgence of a forbidden ritual. Someone is harvesting the life-force of magical creatures—destroying them in the process. And draining humans is next on the agenda. Hired to investigate, Alex realizes that not everyone on the Council wants him delving any deeper. Struggling to distinguish ally from enemy, he finds himself the target of those who would risk their own sanity for power...
Voilà donc une bonne semaine encore une fois et je n'étais pas là pour récupérer mon courrier aujourd'hui donc, peut-être encore des surprises dans ma boite!
Et vous, quoi de neuf sur vos étagères?
Nice haul! :) I've heard AMAZING things about Richelle Mead's books so I hope you enjoy! :)
RépondreSupprimerCheck out my Stacking the Shelves!
Eileen, you should read Vampire Academy! That's a great series! I like Georgina Kincaid but it's not my favorite. :)
SupprimerHappy reading you too!
Hello, hello !!! wow !! T'en a encore une tripotée :)
RépondreSupprimerJ'ai bien reçu le livre et je te remercie encore. J'ai été malade toutes mes vacances et j'avoue que j'ai oublié de t'envoyer la lettre :/ pas bien, je le sais :/
Même si j'ai pratiquement rien pu faire, mon frère m'a fait mes courses livres :) Et la fois où j'ai été à Gibert Joseph, ben j'avais tellement pas la tête à ça que j'ai reposé tous les livres que je voulais acheter en priorité et pris ceux qui m'interressaient moins -_-'
Charley Davdson a été l'un des livres qui ont été reposé malencontreusement --'
J'attends que les tomes 5 & 6 de Succubus sortent en poches, mais j'ai l'impression qu'ils ne sortiront jamais u_u
Coucou Tetel!
SupprimerJe suis ravie de te lire à nouveau et très contente que tu aies reçu le livre dans les temps! J'espère que tu vas mieux et aucun souci pour la lettre, je t'avais dit que ce n'était pas nécessaire! ;)
J'ai hâte de lire Charley Davidson aussi. Le problème c'est que je craque pour trop de livres et mon rythme de lecture ne suit pas du tout mais ce n'est pas grave, j'y arriverai un jour! lol
Pour les Georgina, ne t'inquiète pas, ils vont bien sortir mais il va falloir que tu patientes encore un peu je pense surtout que le tome 6 vient à peine de sortir en GF. C'est une série que je suis depuis sa sortie donc la question du format ne s'est pas du tout posée pour moi.
Plein de bises et à très vite sur nos blogs!
ça peut aller, ce n'est pas encore la grande forme, mais mieux qu'avant :)
SupprimerJe connais ça aussi. J'ai une PAL immense et un cerf-volant (cerveau lent... xD)surtout en ce moment. En un mois j'ai lu deux livres jeunesses, youhou !!
Je désespère un peu parce que le tome 5 est sortit en 2010 et toujours pas de version poche. Je lorgne les occasions au cas où, parce que mine de rien j'aime beaucoup cette série.
Bisous =)
Great haul! I don't normally read Adult novels, but I LOVE Richelle Mead's YA books!
RépondreSupprimerHappy reading!:))
thanks a lot Addie! :D
SupprimerI've not heard of Geek'O' Mancy before and it sound like a unique premise. I'm really curious about it now. I've not yet read Richelle Mead, but she's on my list of authors to pick up soon.
RépondreSupprimerHappy reading
Katja @ YA's the Word
A friend of mine just read Geek'o'Mancy and she loved it. I have to ask her if it's a one shot.
SupprimerThank you for stopping by my blog! ;)
Ouiii charley davidson, j'espere que tu pourras le lire vite , j'adooore! Enfin du coup pleins de lectures en perspective, amuse toi bien!!! j'ai fini geekomancyça y est pour ma part.
RépondreSupprimerje vais essayer de m'y mettre assez vite! :D
SupprimerCursed sounds amazing! I definitely need to check out that series! First grave on the right is on my list of books to get my hands on. Great haul!
RépondreSupprimerThank you Mirjam! I hope I'll read it soon! It sounds great, you're right! :)
SupprimerLol Geek Mancy, rien que le titre m'attire :p Bisous ^^
RépondreSupprimerMelliane a eu l'air d'apprécier alors, comme c'est un peu mon guide livresque..cea doit être pas mal du tout! lol
SupprimerGeekomancy me tente trop :D
RépondreSupprimerJ'espère que tu mettras la main dessus rapidement! ;)
SupprimerJe suis curieuse de Geekomancy. Et Charley Davidson #1, oui oui oui!!! J'adore cette série!
RépondreSupprimerJulie, toi et Melliane adoraient Charley Davidson...ok, ce sera donc ma prochaine lecture! lol